Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Richard Henry: Protector of the Kakapo

Richard Henry: Protector of the Kakapo

Richard Henry was born in Ireland 1854. He came to New Zealand in 1883 to look at our native birds in the New Zealand forest. He found a Brown Kiwi, Tieke and Kokako but Mr Henry was looking for a Kakapo. He says that New Zealand is a really neat country. Mr Henry brought a friend called Charlie Douglas Charlie and Richard the Kakapo protector. Richard says that it's impossible to sleep outside in a tent when a kakapo is chirping loudly. So he went out and caught lots of kakapos and then into a cage and took to his house   

Sunday, July 19, 2015


In the holidays me and my friend Brock went to Daytona in Palmerston north  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bear Grylls

Tuesday the 12th of may ,2015
Book summary : Young adventurer Beck Granger has traveled to the Australian Outback. Bear Grylls  shows  people how to stay alive in the wild and kill the right foods. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Its grows on basically everything. This one is growing on a log. This is an umbrella fungi. This is wet because it has come out of the ground.
They eat dead leaves and decomposing logs and stuff around them. They reproduce by their spores. Their spores are under the top of the fungi. When the spores drop they make new  fungi.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Marlborough Sounds Camp - Day 1

                                                                    Day 1
As we got to Marlborough Sounds my heart was beating so fast I had to run. I raced to my room and got into my togs and ran outside.

Tyler and Dylan jumped in the water and it took me a little bit long to get in. Then Tyler came back round and told me to swim so I jumped in and swam over to the wharf and started to do bombs. Dylan caught a little fish and threw it away and it belly flopped. Buenos!   

Camp - Day 2

                                             Day 2
I put the bait on my fishing rod and cast it out . I had to swish it around because the bait was a rubber fish . I pulled it in and there were no fish but it did not matter cause it was my first time .
So I put it back in the water and waited. I felt a little nibble on the rod so I pulled it in nice and slowly but the fish got away ... and I was just about there too.. I put it back and finally caught a little tiny fish, with help from Dylan though!      

 the end      

Camp - Day 4

Our last day
We jumped in the car. On the way home we ate Wagamama.F

Fisher  and I ran inside and went  to the toilet. Lauren and Mrs Fielder went inside and got their food . Fisher  and I came and saw Tyler. Fisher went and sat with Huntah and I went over to Tyler. Tyler  and I had the mini Katzu. It had chicken with bread bread crumbs and Japanese rice and teriyaki sauce.  The flavour was yum. It made my mouth water with glory and after that  Tyler  and I again had the same dessert .        


I woke up whining and crying ... it was the Triathlon. I was so nervous I had to go toilet. I put my uniform on and ran out to my mum's room and knocked on her door. She woke and got dressed and  dropped me off at the school. I hung up my bag and went to outside. I saw Huntah, Tyler and Fisher. I walked up to them and said, “Sup. What’s up.”
Mrs Cuming blurted out, “Year 5 and  6 out to the starting line”. Me, Tyler and Fisher walked  over to the starting line. The man said “On your marks ... get set ... go! “
Me, Tyler and  Fisher caned it. We started to jog. At the bikes Tyler went way out front and I passed  Fisher.
When I came back down I hit a rock and  lost a bit of control and just about fell but I handled it.
I got to the pool and took my t shirt off and ran as fast as I could . I jumped in the pool and swum six lanes .
I caned  it to the finish line.  I was proud of my achievement.    

By Jackson


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Camp - day 3

 We all jumped on the catamaran and took off . We all got in our whanau groups. I had to go into Huntah's group. Once organised we sat inside and took off. As we were cruising along, we spotted a Hector dolphin swimming along and by its side was a little calf.  Did you know Hector dolphins are the smallest dolphins in the world and they have a round fin on their back.
All of us had to compete in a Karaoke contest. Tyler, Dylan and I sung 'Old McDonald had a farm' and Savannah sung 'Lighthouse' by herself and she got the crowd singing along with her. We arrived at Piction and we all heaved our way around Piction and made our way to the villa where we were staying.

Monday, February 9, 2015

WALT write a arostic poem

J ackson is who I am

A wesome like my mum

C ool like my dad

K apiti island is my favourite place  

S cared of big animals 

O ver big jumps on my scooter 

N ervous about my actions to other people.